Australian Teenager meets Michael Jackson - playing playstation & watching the Simpsons with Michael Jackson's Nephews & Nieces at Observation City in Perth Australia - Play Audio Sample - Enjoy
Native Title Land Act of Australia passed as National Legislation as Common Law - High Court of Australia Extinguished Terra Nullias meaning Empty Land - Australian common law now recognises that a society of people lived in Australia with their own languages, laws, & customs before Captain Cook planted the English Flag at La Parouse Sydney in 1788 - Play Audio Sample - Enjoy
Saving the Great Barrier Reef from Beaching We reveal how warming of also our oceans is causing beaching which are corals dying cause oceans are warming at a fast rate just like land is cause of global warming Crown of Thorns Starfish eat coral and are killed by being injected with basic vinegar - Play Audio Sample - Enjoy
Arnhem Land Family Conflict is about the misunderstanding between 2 families to do with their own traditional & contemporary laws clashing thus conflict occured with violence murder & a hanging - Play Audio Sample - Enjoy