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News — Tianacoo River Not Dianacooo after Lady Diana

Aunty Magdaline Cottas Living in Cape York - Tiannacoo river not Dianacoooo

Tianacoo River Not Dianacooo after Lady Diana

Aunty Magdaline Cottas Living in Cape York - Tiannacoo river not Dianacoooo

Aunty Magdaline Cottas is one of the most beautiful people you will ever meet, we drove from Cairns up to the top of Cape York to 2 communities called Bamaga and Seisa

We were driving through Seisa trying to find her home, then we were told she moved to Bamaga just up the road and both Sesia and Bamaga are only few kilometres apart

After we found Aunty Magdaline Cottas she was full of joy to see us, she was ready to sit down with a cup of tea for a good chat

then we interviewed her for a few hours, those were the days of mini disc recorders where we could record for an hour then replace the mini disc to record another hour

As we always say here at Koala Audiobooks, it's best to Play and hear her audio sample as it's an amazing story to hear how her grandfather escaped the brutality of the French government and escaped New Caledonia on a ship to Australia in the 1800's - he then married her Grandmother who came from the remote community of Wenlock

Wenlock is where Jardine, the Irish settler shot many people down, she talks about it, so be prepared for truth, yes, people shot down so more cattle could be on land

She states - My grandfather worked for Jardine yet he shot all my people down at Wenlock

She laughs about how young people call the Tianacoo river Dianacoo after the Late Lady Diana - you hear her laughter which brings joy in this story

 " i say no noooo no Dianacooo it's Tianacooooo River "



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