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News — Drones Dropping Bombs kill innocent people

Warfare Part 2 - Drones Dropping Bombs - Chapter 2 How Drones are used for Warfare

Drones Dropping Bombs kill innocent people

Warfare Part 2 - Drones Dropping Bombs - Chapter 2 How Drones are used for Warfare

Warfare Part 2 - Drones Dropping Bombs 

Chapter 2 - How Drones are used for Warfare 

  • USA UK bombs kill terrorists problem is new GBU 12 bomb kill radios 90 meters thus civilians die 
  • Chapter 3 – How drones are used for bombing
  •  Chapter 4 – Countries by the US military and the CIA
  •  Chapter 5 – The brave journalists and whistle blowers
  •  Chapter 6 – The physiological effects of drone warfare
  •  Chapter 7 – How a terrorist hacked into an American drone and other countries developing drones
  •  Chapter 8 – The war on terror is fueled by fear

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