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News — Amrad Steals Intellectual Knowledge

How Pharmaceutical Companies Steal Intellectual Knowledge of Bush Medicines - Koala Flash News - Downloaded from Germany

Amrad Steals Intellectual Knowledge

How Pharmaceutical Companies Steal Intellectual Knowledge of Bush Medicines - Koala Flash News - Downloaded from Germany

Koala Flash News - How Pharmaceuatical Companies Steal Intellectual Knowledge of Bush Medicines - Popular in Germany with Downloads 

We reveal how Pharmaceuatical companies pay scientists to go into the forests of Brazil & get the trust of traditional people to share intellectual knowledge of bush plants which hold powerful healing properties 

the example in our story is how the company Amrad from Victoria somehow got the Western Australian state government to amend the CALM act to have control of all intellectual property to the states flora & fauna, & thus Amrad got access to the smoke bush & turned certain healing properties in it for eye issues thus the state government & Amrad made profits from the smoke bush by locking out Indigenous people who held the intellectual knowledge for thousands of years 

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