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News — High Court of Australia Over Turned term Terra Nullius

Native Title Land Part 1 and Native Title Land Part 2

High Court of Australia Over Turned term Terra Nullius

Native Title Land Part 1 and Native Title Land Part 2 - Probably the most hardest and complex Koala Audiobooks we've produced for you to understand what Native Title Land is

Early 2016 we contacted the Native Title Tribunal based in Perth, where they have all their Native Title Hearings between Indigenous communities and mining groups, also tourism groups 

It took us all of 2016 to get these 2 interviews confirmed and booked for December 2016. To interview the President of the Tribunal and a Mediator in a day, we had to have questions already before we recorded

It took us 4 years to produce both audiobooks from 2017 to 2020 not forgetting we had another 20 stories already in production but it was worth spending hundreds of hours editing 

Again we say - Play the Audio Samples to understand also below watch the You Tube Video of the President of the Native Title Tribunal explain clearly about Land Laws from Europe affecting Land laws in other countries such as Australia

Basically the term Terra Nullius meaning empty land was overturned by the High Court in Australia

Both Native Title Part 1 and 2 have been downloaded the most from the Sunshine Coast where millionaires live. Fear of Land and Houses being taken by fear mongering by mass media but Freehold automatically extinguishes native title under the federal legislation 

When you download both stories you will have a very good understanding of most issues around native title land in Australia

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