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News — Crown of Thorns Starfish is Hated

Saving the Great Barrier Reef from Bleaching - Crown of Thorns Starfish Eat Coral at a High Rate

Crown of Thorns Starfish is Hated

Saving the Great Barrier Reef from Bleaching - Crown of Thorns Starfish Eat Coral at a High Rate

The Crown of Thorns Starfish is destroying our coral on the Great Barrier Reef at a high rate for years it eats a large dinner plate of coral everyday which is huge

Scientists divers have been injecting vinegar which kills them but they lay millions of eggs thus out of control thus now they use robots in the sea to inject hundreds of them in plague proportion's

Sugar cane farms are part of the problem as nutrients used for cane growers then run off into the ocean and crown of thorns starfish suck up these nutrients thus environmental deals are being done to reduce the run off into the ocean but many sugar cane farmers have not signed up yet

Us consuming sugar each day actually helps kills the coral thus you're cravings for sugar is killing our great barrier reef thus addiction to sugar kills coral cause crown of thorns starfish thrive on eating more coral

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