News — Rottnest Island Graves
Rottnest Island Authority Partnership with Koala Audiobooks

Koala Audiobooks is securing a partnership with the Rottnest Island Authority of the coast of Perth in Western Australia - Rottnest Island Authority have been under pressure for years for covering up the mass grave in the 1970's but Indigenous Australians in the 1990's fought for the mass grave of over 300 people to be recognised - Years ago in the 1990's in our 20's we went to Rottnest Island many times to record speeches, interviews & ceremonies about revealing Australia's hidden secret. Hundreds of tourists ask Rottnest Island Authority about why they were not told that the Rottnest hotel they were saying in was the Quad - known as the Prison where over 300 Indigenous Australians were tortured & hung in front of others, Vincent who ran the prison was a very cruel man who would cut men's ears off - even his son in his 90's we interviewed & in our story he states its still in his mind seeing age 7 or 8 seeing his Dad known as Vincent throwing bodies in a mass grave - we drove for hundreds of kilometres to record his story as part of our Rottnest Island Mass Graves Story -- even workmen from the 1970's had skeletons falling in on them but were told by the Western State government to keep quiet & cover the bones up quick as they were laying pipes for water - play our audio sample to understand - We will secure Rottnest Island Authority as a major sponsor of our website as a major Australian Partnership - tourists can now be shown our story & get it for FREE with our digital gift cards thus Rottnest Island Authority Sponsor Koala Audiobooks as part of Truth Telling of History - We are in a great position to secure our partnership cause no-one else has produced this story like we have with genuine authentic stories told by people who were there all those years ago - play our audio sample then buy for $5 - @nd story always FREE