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News — Farmers Fighting back of Gas Fracking Mines

Dangers of Gas Fracking Mining - Farmers Fighting Back with Lock the Gate Protecting their Water Table

Farmers Fighting back of Gas Fracking Mines

Dangers of Gas Fracking Mining - Farmers Fighting Back with Lock the Gate Protecting their Water Table

 Gas Fracking Mining of Gas underground has only been around for about 20 years, in the early 2000's - 2005 Gas Fracking was NEW, it was about popping the small gas bubbles and bringing them to the surface

To bring this gas to the surface, they take the land of farmers under compulsory acquisition laws, thus farmers have no rights to protect their water table underground because the federal government owns all the minerals & gas underground

Play the Audio Sample - hear how they go straight down, make a sharp turn with the pipe, which can fracture the water table, then the chemicals used to bring that gas to the surface then poisons the farmers water table leaving them with no fresh water, so now Farmers are Locking their Gates Locking Out Gas Fracking Companies

Last few years, Australians have had a real shortage of gas, WHY ? we export gas cheaper to Taiwan, Japan and China for huge profits yet Australians Pay more for gas in their own country

Now recently, been reported that states in Australia this year that next few years Australians will not receive much gas, the system is designed to rip off Australians while making big profits selling overseas

Thus, Play the Sample. hear how Gas Fracking Companies are corrupt to the core as they pay experts lobbyists to pay off politicians in Canberra thus they have the power to get gas fracking mines approved then mine a farmers land without their permission

In the audio sample when you play it, will hear how now gas bubbles are now popping up in rivers in Queensland where Gas fracking mines exists


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