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News — Australia should be ashamed stopping intelligence for Ukraine

Warfare Part 1 USA Spy Base Pine Gap - Australia Now also part of holding intelligence for Ukraine

Australia should be ashamed stopping intelligence for Ukraine

Warfare Part 1 USA Spy Base Pine Gap - Australia Now also part of holding intelligence for Ukraine

Koala Audiobooks reveals how we as a nation Australia, are now a part of with holding intelligence for Ukraine to fight off Russia

Pine Gap Spy base is America's most powerful spy base in the world, believe it or not,

Ukraine has also depended on the intelligence data from Pine Gap in the deserts of Australia, as data from Pine Gap was passed onto the Pentagon in Washington, then passed onto Ukraine,

Australian government will never admit this, as Australia in the past, play the audio sample, shows how a past Prime Minister the Late Gough Whitlam also put pressure on the USA about Pine Gap and questions asked was Nixon a part of removing Gough Whitlam 

If our Prime Minister admitted to Australia that we are also a part of stopping intelligence for Ukraine cause Pine Gap is on Australian Soil then he runs the risk of USA pressure over Pine Gap being able to keep spying on the world ---- Now Russia does not have to worry about Pine Gap Satellites above the Equator Spying on them for Ukraine 

Again as we always say at Koala Audiobooks - Play the Audio Sample - hear from expert Professor Tanter at an International Peace conference in Australia in 2016

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