News — Lizards of Australia - Thorny Devil Lizard
Lizards of Australia - Thorny Devil Lizard - Coming Soon
Lizards of Australia - Thorny Devil Lizard

Thorny Devil Lizard Drinks Water Through it's Feet, they stand in a puddle of water which then goes up through it's legs, body with tiny capillaries to it's mouth, it then sips the water onto it's tiny tongue
We grew up with Thorny Devil Lizards and had them as Pets in the 1970's in the Western Desert in Western Australia But Our Father made sure we looked after them by placing them near black ant hills as they eat thousands of black ants each day, you can see their little tongue suck up hundreds of black ants fast
Thorny Devil Lizards can fit in your hand, they are small and the Large Thorn You See on it's Neck & thorns over it's body protects it from birds flying above and other larger animals
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