News — Camels Delivered Supplies to Inland Australia
Camels in Australia - They Built Inland Australia Delivering Supplies
Camels Delivered Supplies to Inland Australia

Camels in Australia is a wonderful story where we sat down with an elderly lady who walked with the Camel Trains with her 4 other sisters
We recorded her over 2 days of what it was like to grow up on the camel trains as her Dad was Afghan and her Mother was English - they met on the Murry River in South Australia and had 5 daughters
Camel Trains were up to 50 Camels - again we say - Play Her Audio Sample
You will love what you hear, been downloaded across Australia, also America and Ireland
Camel delivered supplies to cattle stations, such as windmills, fences, bard wire, without camels supplies would not have got through desert regions