News — Arnhem Land Family Conflict
Arnhem Land Family Conflict
We drove through beautiful stunning Arnhem Land, where Kakadu National Park is based. We drove through rivers, wet dirt roads virtually impassable, where we had to gather old dead logs and place them across the muddy roads to get across certain sections, basically a wonderful journey to the Dhurrhutjapi Homeland's where 2 Families had a conflict nearly 100 years ago but both families came together to reconcile the past.
We sat down and interviewed a family member Mr McColl about how their family had a real conflict with another family not understanding each others laws in society
Quote - " the first time i had heard about him as a police officer from Victoria was when i saw his photo on my grandmothers wall, it was never spoken about what actually did happen between the 2 families which is why we are here from Gibbsland, Victoria to make Peace with the Wirrapunda Family