News — Smoke Bush Intellectual Knowledge Stolen By Amrad
How Pharmaceutical Companies Steal Intellectual Knowledge of Bush Medicines - Amrad now owns intellectual property rights of smoke bush due to state government amending calm act
Smoke Bush Intellectual Knowledge Stolen By Amrad

Amrad is a Pharmaceutical Company from the State of Victoria who now own the intellectual property rights of the smoke bush in Western Australia
The Western Australian State Government actually amended the CALM act to be in charge of all flora and fauna thus taking away any rights to intellectual knowledge or property for local people of the south west of Western Australia
It was thought that the smoke bush could be used as a possible drug for the aids virus but instead was discovered to help people with sore eyes flying on planes
thus Amrad now makes millions of dollars from the smoke bush with medication for peoples eyes on planes because the state government of Western Australia gave those rights to Amrad & locking out local people who held intellectual knowledge for generations
Again we say as always - play the audio sample for this story & hear an expert in intellectual knowledge from the university of Western Australia how we now are living in a Green Age