News — We Honour Late Jennifer Searcy
We Honour Late Jennifer Searcy - Deaths in Custody Part 2
We Honour Late Jennifer Searcy

We Honour the Late Jennifer Searcy - a True Friend from early 1990's who helped us understand the Royal Commission into Deaths in Custody
During 2025 We Honour Certain People Who Have Been Part of Our Journey Producing Stories about Australia
In 1993 we met Jennifer Searcy, in regards to producing a radio documentary on deaths in custody, the royal commission had just been completed where we even sat in a court room in Perth in 1992 and heard how the Late John Pat was murdered by 5 Police in Roebourne, Western Australia, a 16 year old teenager had his head kicked in, questions asked in royal commission why did they have blood all over their boots ?
Without Jennifer Searcy, Deaths in Custody Part 2 would not have been produced, she flew with us to Brisbane and Sydney to interview families who had lost loved ones in prison
As we always say - it's Best to Play this Audio Sample for this Story BUT be warned, it's very emotional as families speak up about losing loved ones
Thanks Jennifer Searcy You Will Always Be in Our Hearts for helping to expose the truth about Deaths in Custody in Australia